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Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective provides a comparative, nuanced approach to eugenics as a scientific programme to achieve the nation's social and biological improvement. It examines the commonalities of Latin eugenics in Europe and the Americans, demonstrating that an allegiance to Latinity existed within the international eugenics movement. Unlike other versions of eugenics, often described as Anglo-Saxon and Nordi, Latin eugenics sought the biological betterment of the individual and the collective by means of preventive medicine, social hygiene, demographic studies and public health, rather then genetic engineering racial selection and compulsory sterilization. Drawing on a wide range of primary and secondary sources, this book offers the first history of Latin eugenics in Europe and the Americas. Book jacket., Latin eugenics was a scientific, cultural and political programme designed to biologically empower modern European and American nations once commonly described as 'Latin', sharing genealogical, linguistic, religious, and cultural origins. Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective offers a comparative, nuanced approach to eugenics as a scientific programme as well as a cultural and political phenomenon. It examines the commonalities of eugenics in 'Latin' Europe and Latin America. As a program to achieve the social and political goals of modern welfare systems, Latin eugenics strongly influenced the complex relationship of the state to the individual. Drawing on a wide range of primary and secondary sources in many languages, this book offers the first history of Latin eugenics in Europe and the Americas.

Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective ebook MOBI, PDF, DJV

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